Sunday, March 4, 2012

3 Truths to consider about your abs

Truth number one. Have you heard of the saying, "What you are is what you eat?" It's definitely true when it comes to your abs. You have a six pack but it's covered with fat. You simply need to shed the junk food and start eating right. This is rule NUMERO UNO. This will probably be your most important point I can put in your head. It's simple yet people tend to forget or may not want to hear it. Clean up your diet and you're a big step closer to your rock hard abs.
Truth number two. You have to do a bunch of crunches to see those abs...That couldn't be more wrong. Again, the first rule is nutrition. Think about the rest of your muscles. When you lift weights, your building muscle which makes you bigger. Your abs are like any other muscle in your body. Always remember not to over train your abs or any other muscle. You will be doing yourself more harm than good. REST is a big factor here. If you are looking to burn some of that flab around your midsection, weight lifting burns fat after you've gone from gym.
Truth number tres is to boost your progress using cardio or some type of cardiovascular fitness for a flat and lean midsection. I'm not talking about running on the treadmill for hours upon hours. I'm going to bring up nutrition one more time. Your cardio will be based on your nutrition. Once you have your caloric intake corrected with the proper nutrients you need, you can manipulate your body into bulking or (for the purposes of this article) cutting to get the abs that you want.
Last but not least and I beg you to please, please, please do not give in to the latest fast abs plan or miracle pill. The best thing you can do for yourself is to take action by knowing. Once you understand the truth about your abs, you will see a huge difference in your life. This isn't only because the girls/guys are jerking their heads to see you, but the confidence you will get with knowledge. People will even look to you for advice. Don't be lazy and buy those miracle gadgets and gizmos. Do what works and tailor it to your needs.
Nutrition, weights, and cardio are all you need. In order to keep your six pack day in and day out, you need to change your mind set on what you intake.
If you truly want to know the truth about your abs visit,